So yeah. I'm kinda likin' my new digs here. There's some pretty cool templates out there.
So let's see. What's new in my world? Another beautiful grandbaby... another beautiful baby girl. My first granddaughter is now over 13 months old and she's walking quite well these days. She says a few words here and there. She's got a limited vocab but is adding new words quite often.
Calculator. (for real.. and no, I did not teach her that)
Good girl.
Bubba (which can mean about anything starting with the letter B... bottle.. banana.... blanket...)
No (which does not mean no... it's how she says snow)
Duh (for dad)
So as you can see her vocab is progressing right along.
And then there's her brand new baby sister. She's an angel, of course. Big sis loves her and shows her by smacking her head and poking her eyes. She's one. That's how it's done when you're one.
Today my daughter had to take little sis to the doctor. Her bilirubin (how do you spell that anyhow?) is still a bit high. The doc thought about putting her back in the hospital but is waiting one more day. Fingers crossed that the blood work tomorrow shows some improvement.
What else is new? Well, let's see......
I was in a wreck a month ago on February 1. A young guy pulled out in front of me. I was doing 50-55-ish on a state route. As I hit him I was thinking "dang it... my car gets paid off in 4 days!!!" Turns out it wasn't totaled so they fixed it. Anyhow, after I hit him I lost control and hit a guy sitting at the stop sign on the other side of the road. No one was seriously hurt. That's the main thing.
I said to the guy "I'm not mad. I know accidents happen but where was your head right then?"
::: Translated: "Were you texting or something?" :::
He said, "I just didn't see you."
Wow. Imagine that. It was dark. I had my headlights on. How does one not see THAT? And seriously I really was going a tad under the speed limit. I always drive a bit under in the morning on my way to work. Gotta watch out for the deer.
Oh well... that's old news.
Oh a happier note.... Winter is almost over. Bet you didn't know I hate winter.
Bring on springtime. I am more than ready.....
Saturday Spankings - Frightening situation
15 hours ago
2 thoughts:
I want to see those grand babies! Can you teach grand #1 to say 'PK'?
You don't like winter? I thought you were going to go to Canada so you could enjoy a longer snow season.
I found you!
You don't know how much I love your template. Seriously, this is something I would have picked out in a heartbeat. I have a thing for hearts...LOL
I love the new digs. I hope you will post more. Sometimes we just need a place to vent.
Love you!
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